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Friday, May 18, 2007

This baby Jake has a great laugh! All the time too. Happy in the morning and at night. His brothers are great to him and are really excited to teach and play.

I am ready to run the Madison 1/2 Marathon next week. It has been fun training for it. I am especially glad that I was able to raise money in Glory's name. I really hope she has found strength in all the people who have thought of her and consdered her fight.

The family has to get rid of the 'sick' that we have going around. Maybe we can shake it this weekend. Who knows.


1 comment:

Lindi Ben said...

Oh MY GOSH. What a great clip. Carina heard it from across the room and asked if that was my baby. And Tash, you look GREAT! Good luck in the 1/2 marathon!