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Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Cookie Memories - like it or not

So we decide that we are going to make candy cane cookies. I made them a few years ago and they were easy and fun. I thought the boys were old enough to help and enjoy making them.

Even Ryan got into the fun helping to chop candy canes into pieces.

Something just wasn't right but I figured it would work out. It always does, right? Sean and Ian were quite surprised about what a mess Mommy was making with the dough. "The counter usually doesn't look anything like that when you make cookies Mommy." (I should have known but their observations that something was really not right)

Well, this is the 9th Christmas Ryan and I have been together and as he put it, this is the first cookie disaster that I have ever seen from you. Not a good sign. But it gave us all a good laugh. I guess I will start to stick to the tried and true holiday favorites like chocolate chip, chocolate crackles (or krinkles if you are an O'Donnell) and sugar cookies. Thank goodness sugar cookies are my business and not candy cane cookies! Apparently there was a bit too much butter in these....

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