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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas to all...

Well I hope that everyone had as wonderful a holiday as we did. We went to the children's mass on Christmas Eve and wished Jesus a "Happy Birthday." The boys were so excited though it was really hard for any of us to concentrate on the service like we would have liked to. We headed home for a nice dinner, Christmas jammies cookies and milk and this year's renditions of the Polar Express and The Night Before Christmas. Ryan stood outside the boys door for a few minutes and heard them talk about hearing noises...was it Santa or just a normal night noise. The were so sweet.

Then 5:15am rolled around and Sean climbed into bed with us and proceeded to tell me that he was hungry and wanted to come downstairs. This coming from the child that doesn't eat until at least 9 or 10 am. So at 6:10am Jacob woke up and well then the fun started. We had to wake Ian up but the sleep was soon washed away when the boys realized Santa had visited!

This was the first Christmas that it was just us, our family. At times it was hard to not be sharing the day with our parents and siblings but it was kind of nice to just do or not do what ever we wanted. The day was really wonderful. The boys played ALL DAY LONG and truly enjoyed each of their gifts. They played so well together and shared toys well too. I wonder if that will carry over into tomorrow? They went on an adventure walk in the "forest" behind out house and found a fox den and Sean got chased by a shrew. Never a dull moment around here.

We hope that everyone had a blessed and fun holiday. Here's to a great Christmas vacation for all and a week still full of surprises.

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