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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Summer colds, yuk

Well, this had been a difficult week for Team Madison. #1, #2 are just about over the summer cold / funk they had and they so graciously shared it with #3 and both of us. So training has been hard to non-exisitent which is really difficult mentally for both of us. Last night we went to a neighbor's birthday get-together and somehow while playing with #2 Dadd-o hurt his back. He tried to lay on the floor and interact with #1, #2 and #3 this moring but they just thought he was wrestling so he's back in bed.

The CA grandparent contingent and uncles are heading up to Lake Siskiyou near Mt. Shasta for TWO whole weeks of relaxing, canoeing, camping, marshmellows and ghost stories....yes, we are a bit jealous.

We are excited about the KS grandparent contingent making the trek later this week. The kiddos are very excited about going fishing with Poppi. I may make a bet on how long it actually lasts but either way it should be fun for them.

Kindergarten and preschool seems to be looming in my mind. I don't know why but they are slowly creeping up on me. Well the sick one upstairs is requested something yet again so I must be off. Good health to you and hopefully us too.

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