So, I completed my first triathlon. I had a lot of fun, did well. I wish Tash and the Kids were there to see it, but there will likely be a next time.
Ryan O'Donnell
bib number: 302
age: 33
gender: M
location: Madison, WI
overall place: 36 out of 372
division place: 8 out of 21
gender place: 33 out of 214
time: 1:12:45
pace: 0:
swim: 7:08
trans 1: 2:04
bike: 42:14
trans 2: 1:07
run: 20:14
The swim was tough, but I did get it done a couple minutes faster than I expected. The bike was good, lost about 2 minutes when the chain fell off, just lucky it did not get sucked into the rear wheel. The run was the best for me. By far the best I have felt in a race ever, even after the swim and bike.
I was crashed by 7 pm, Tash gave me a pass on feeding the dog and dishes, I went to bed.
She volunteered at the Diva Dash today for the Junior League. Then she took off for her run. WINDY DAY. She looked beat, in a "i had a good run" way.
Then I went out. My long run today was 17 miles at 8:00 pace. I ended at 8:13, but was VERY pleased considering what I put forth the day before.
Congrats on your first tri. Glad you enjoyed it! :)
I thought this was a family blog rated G
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