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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Camp Mommy

Yikes, summer is really almost here! Number 1 and Number 2's last days of preschool are next week! And then they are home for the summer! Okay, so they're only gone a few hours each day - on opposite days anyways but I have to get used to this summer Mommy thing. So I've been reading up on - CAMP MOMMY. No it's not a place where I can do for a few days with activities all laid out and meals prepared. It's where I get to play camp director for little ones! Oh dear Lord - help me! I'm not sure where to start but I did get #1 and #2 signed up for "super swim" lessons at the end of June and I am going to do my 6:00AM Spin class on Mondays and Wednesdays again! Yeah for getting up early! So that's about all I've got so far....

We've got a fundraising clinic for Team in Training tomorrow night. It should bring up some great ideas and get us all rolling towards our goals! I've got spin in the morning....so off to sleep it is.

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